I fell off my chair twice laughing my ass off yesterday....The first time was when I read Frank Barnako's article on the "Death of Podcasting" - I knew it was non-fiction when he lead with two quotes Dave Winer, the authority on the technology and pioneer and guru, being portrayed like some high school tinkerer podcasting to please his family and then to make things funnier Frank positions Mark Cuban as an expert who's quote was a shot from the hip after a few beers after the Mavs just got bounced out of the playoffs ... Great reporting Frank ... position the expert like a high school tinkerer and the tinkerer as the expert... (Those days of controlling the perception are over....the world has changed forever with blogs and now podcasting)
The second time I fell off my chair laughing was then reading Steve Gilmore's response to Frank's non-fiction. Steve slams home his point down the line on Frank. Steve 15-Love. Frank your serve.
I think it's BS that Indies will be a labor of love only... it's the mass crowd of Indies who will dominate and define the future... It reminds me of 1984. Being a computer science guy from the 80s and I remember people saying that Indies of those days (software developers) would be insignificant to develop on this PC platform...
I think that you're looking through the wrong lens in your analysis of this trend.
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